Enrolment Information

We invite you to enrol your tamaiti (child) at Saint Joseph's School as early as possible. This will enable our kura (school) to plan effectively for the future. However, please feel free to enquire at any time, you are welcome to enrol your child at any age.

Preference is given to tamariki (children) who are affiliated in the Catholic faith under the following grounds:

  • 5.1 The child has been baptised or is being prepared for baptism in the Catholic Church.

  • 5.2 The child’s parents/guardians have already allowed one or more of its siblings to be baptised in the Catholic faith.

  • 5.3 At least one parent/guardian is a Catholic, and although their child has not yet been baptised, the child’s participation in the life of the school could lead to the parents having the child baptised.

  • 5.4 With the agreement of the child’s parent/legal guardian, a significant familial adult such as a grandparent, aunt or uncle who is actively involved in the child’s upbringing undertakes to support the child’s formation in the faith and practices of the Catholic Church.

  • 5.5 One or both of a child’s non-Catholic parents/guardians is preparing to become a Catholic.

The enrolment process involves an agreement to participate in the schools Religious Education programme and committing to actively supporting your tamaiti in their faith formation and the practice of the Catholic Church.

Lunch in the sun with friends

Classroom Vegetable Gardens

Catholic state-integrated schools have open places for non-preference students. Non preference or non-Catholic enrolments, are restricted to five percent of the total roll and are dependent upon vacancies at the time of enrolment.

  • St Joseph’s School Feilding has a maximum of 12 non-preference places.

  • We currently have places available.

  • In seeking non-preference enrolment, families accept that they will be coming to a Catholic Special Character school and that their place in the school is conditional on their participation in the Religious Education programme.

When allocating placements for non-preference ākonga/students, the following guidelines are taken into consideration:

  • The siblings of non-preference ākonga already in the school.

  • The children of staff who seek to enrol their children.

  • Non-preference ākonga coming from another Catholic state-integrated school with the same special character.

Non-preference ākonga who cannot enrol immediately may choose to be placed on a waiting list. Ākonga on this list are wait listed by date of application and will be contacted if places become available.

All applicants Preference and Non Preference accept that they will be required to pay Attendance Dues as set by the Proprietor of the Diocese of Palmerston North and these are not voluntary.


St Josephs School Enrolment Form August 2020.docx

All enrolment information is also available in hard copy from our school office.

NB: All forms must be completed and returned to school prior to starting date.